9+ Ways to Incorporate Intentional Giving in Your Business Plan
Business 101, Cash Flow, Cash handling, Team Building Connie Vanderzanden Business 101, Cash Flow, Cash handling, Team Building Connie Vanderzanden

9+ Ways to Incorporate Intentional Giving in Your Business Plan

Over the past few decades, leaders have recognized that their businesses are responsible for doing more than maximizing profits and stockpiling money. They have a social responsibility to do what’s best not just for the business itself but their team, the planet, and society at large. This is commonly referred to as corporate philanthropy. While the name may scream big business, it doesn’t matter the size of your business… only whether you make being socially responsible a priority.

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6 Ways Money Talks & How it Influences Our Communication Styles

6 Ways Money Talks & How it Influences Our Communication Styles

The topic of how and when their team gets paid is something I discuss with the majority of my clients. As employees, we were certainly never asked what our boundaries and expectations around getting paid were (or I wasn’t, at least!) -- we were told when, how much, and how frequently payroll would be run and we simply accepted there was very little wiggle room for negotiation from there. So it’s no surprise that when we make the switch from being employed to owning a business, asking our team about their thoughts around money isn’t something that crosses our minds!

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