You know you’re ready to partner with me
because you acknowledge:

  • You and your family need your business to support your amazing life

  • Successful, grown-ass businesses plan and save for taxes

  • You have a Big Kahuna Dream that needs funding, and it’s time to hold intention in how you create money and what you spend it on

Like most entrepreneurs, you probably planned really well for the Start-Up Phase of your business.

Then you hit the point where the revenue is coming in steadily and consistently. Welcome to the Growth Phase of your business!

This is the time where you start to feel ready to make some larger expenditures or investments, or perhaps to expand your business in some way. You may have started doing some of this already.

The trouble here is twofold:

  1. Most business owners don’t know how to plan (or even that they need to) for the Growth Phase. Instead of earmarking money for specific purposes, they spend the cash simply because it’s available.

  2. Money needs a job. When you don’t tell your money what to do, it can feel like it’s taken on a mind of its own… leaving your bank account empty and you wondering where it all went.

If you’re finding yourself in this situation, I promise you - you’re not alone.

You also don’t need to go through the stress and shame of it by yourself any more.

Lucky for you, I’ve spent the last 18+ years experimenting, failing, trying again, and succeeding with my own business. Along the way, I’ve found a lot of solutions to the kinds of problems entrepreneurs face in managing their cash flow, supporting their families financially, and becoming profitable.

Solutions that can bring you peace and relief - and maybe even a good night’s sleep for once. Solutions that can help you avoid the kinds of big, expensive mistakes I made on my own journey.

You know your business should be giving you financial freedom and security by now, but here’s the rub…

After you created your shiny business plan for the Start-Up Phase of your business, no one taught you how to create the plan for the next phase, the Growth Phase. You were basically left to your own devices to figure that part out… if you were even lucky enough to have someone tell you that you needed to.

And sure, you could spend weeks (or months… or years…) trying to figure it out. Googling random blog posts. Reading books. Listening to podcasts. Buying courses.

This method works for some, but in order to succeed, most people require a level of accountability, support, and partnership that these options simply can’t provide.

This is where I come in

After 30+ years in the accounting industry, I’ve come to realize that “partnership” is the missing link between most accounting pro’s and their clients. I believe that we in this industry could be doing a much better job at helping our clients become profitable – and that starts with forming stronger relationships, understanding our clients’ businesses and goals on a more personal level, and working with them to create an actual, effective plan to get them there. In short, becoming partners in our clients’ success.

My approach to numbers and being in relationship with my clients is what sets me apart from other accounting professionals.

When we partner together, you’ll have a solid plan for keeping more of your money and paying yourself well. And you’ll have coaching and mentorship from yours truly along the way – someone who has been there, done that, and got the t-shirt.

Let’s partner together.