Nice to virtually meet you! I’m Connie Vanderzanden.

I’ll give you fair warning – this is not your typical “numbers person” bio.

The Profit with Connie
Origin Story

Much like you, I left the relative comfort and safety of a J.O.B. to open my own business. (In my case, it was to start my own accounting firm.)

And, much like you, for the first several years, I did everything I thought you “had to do” in order to be considered a successful business owner.

I leased a commercial space and turned it into the most gorgeous accounting office you’ve ever seen. (Seriously – clients told me they felt at peace whenever they came to see me. Have you ever been able to say that about your accountant or bookkeeper’s office?!)

I employed additional bookkeepers so I could serve more people.

I invested in coaching and training to help me be a better leader, a better entrepreneur, a better accounting professional.

I didn’t pay myself.

Wait, what?!

Yup – I know what you’re thinking. How did I, with all my experience and expertise, manage to fall into the same trap as so many other entrepreneurs?

Because I failed to plan for the growth I wanted. Because I got caught up in what I thought an accounting firm “should” look like. Because I felt like I “had to” do all these things in order to meet other people’s definition of a successful business owner.

And most of all, because I didn’t understand where the money would come from to support all these things I’d convinced myself I was “supposed to do” in my business. I’d gotten so lost in the hustle and bustle of growing the business that I’d completely ignored my own numbers.

I was $50k in debt and I’d contributed an average of $4,500 a year to my household.

All the while I was digging myself into a financial hole, I was successfully helping client after client after client in climbing out of theirs. (There’s a life lesson here – stay with me.)

I had developed a method of using numbers in a way that reveals the health of a business, while also simplifying the information in a format that makes sense to the mind of a business owner – the precursor to my Going Beyond Revenue cash-handling system. While my approach made sense to me, I quickly learned that others in my field do not necessarily see numbers the same way I do, and I began to understand exactly how unique the Going Beyond Revenue system is and why it works for my clients …

Business owners simply aren’t hardwired to understand numbers the same way accountants are.

(Which is why clients are so often frustrated by their accounting pros – and vice versa!)

In attempting to teach Going Beyond Revenue to my colleagues, I began to realize some things about myself. While I absolutely love certain things about numbers, I’m still human and really dislike:

  • Bookkeeping

  • Looking at my own numbers

  • Planning and creating my own budget

  • Paying taxes

Which, in my estimation, makes me the same as at least 90% of business owners out there.

Now, just because I dislike these things, it doesn’t mean I don’t do them. Instead, I’ve found ways to make them fun for me – another key component of Going Beyond Revenue that I help my clients implement.

This is where partnership comes in to play!

Let’s have a casual conversation and start shining the light on what’s stopping you from being profitable, and look at ways we can use your numbers to support you on your journey.

Let’s partner together.