All relationships take a little work.

Do you desire to create a good relationship with Money?

This is just one of the topics that I work with clients on: nurturing their relationship with Money. 

But what does “Love Your Money” really mean?

Please note: if you are triggered by the word Love + Money together, while I encourage you to explore that further, know that I am just not your person. I do not believe that Money is the root of all evil, nor do I believe that loving Money is a sin. In fact, I believe that when we have a healthy nurturing appreciation of Money, as human beings we can make a bigger impact on the change we want to see in the world. So again, if you are triggered by this concept, you may just want to stop and find some other mentor on this subject.

Money without love can look like:

  • You’re cool with how Money supports your life - until there is a roadblock. For example, unforeseen COVID circumstances, a downturn in the economy, or a life emergency happens. Then everything crashes.

  • You only pay attention to Money when things are good, and the checking account is happy, and you happily hum along, mostly ignoring what’s happening in the background.

  • You don’t feel supported by Money in your life. It is never allowed to remain too long in any of the accounts. Before any payments arrive, it has already been spent. 

  • You equate money to lack, struggle, or someone else having the power or control over how you use it.

Money, Like Humans, is Energetic.

We are all energetic human beings with the power to create our own realities. We have the power to make choices, to decide how we use the resources that are available to us. I believe that the majority of us want to do good. We have visions and dreams and want to make a difference in our society, culture, and planet. 

Currently, for us to make a change, it mostly requires our time and the use of money. When we open our hearts and connect to how we choose to use money as a tool to create change, we connect to the abundance that is all around us. How we see the world shifts. The energy of Money shifts.

When I shifted focus away from my increasing debt and the lack in my checking account to recognizing and cultivating the fact that Money is a tool for love and appreciation, my finances changed. I felt more empowered. I was able to see more opportunities. I stopped hiding, resulting in more invitations (which, as a 1/3 Projector in Human Design, is very rewarding).

Money is not the bad guy. 

Money is a tool for us to do more good in the world.

Have you ever worked on a relationship with your pet, loved one, family member, or friend? Cultivating a new relationship with Money is very similar. Based on my lived experience, here are a few things I have found that helped me nurture a new relationship with Money.

Money Loves to Be the Center of Attention

No relationship enjoys being ignored. The same goes for Money. Money wants you to pay attention to it. Not uber obsessing, like checking your bank balances daily. In an adult-style relationship, Money would like you to take them on a regular weekly date. 

Once a week, schedule some time to pay attention to Money. If you are just getting started, block out 60-minutes. Pick a regular time and day each week. For example, Mondays are normally my admin day, but lately, I have been using Sunday for a Money date.

  1. Update your money tracking tool for all of your bank accounts, whether that is a spreadsheet, a piece of paper, or an accounting tool. 

  2. Verify all bank transactions are legit and take action if they are not. 

  3. Make cash handling transfers: prioritize yourself, your profit cushion, the taxman, and then, last, overhead spending.

  4. Look ahead and plan out your cash flow. Is there a period of time that cash is going to be a little crunchy? What can wait? What can you create?

  5. Do revenue generation activities. Bill clients, make collection calls, send follow-up messages for any proposals, or schedule sales calls.

  6. Pay any team members or costs that may be due.

Remember, this is focused 1:1 time between you and Money. Turn off all distractions. Get into your “zone” or “ritual.”  Maybe play some uplifting, celebratory music. 

For those ready to kick their Money dates up a notch, Money loves it if you set the mood. Light a candle, use essential oils, and have a cup of soothing tea or a glass of wine. No one will judge you.

Money Loves to Be Celebrated

There is no wrong way to celebrate money. You can ring a bell, sing a song, or do a joyful dance. Just have fun with it.

You can celebrate Money as you receive it or celebrate it during your weekly Money dates. 

Remember, celebrate ALL Money that comes your way.

  • Lost money in the couch cushions, your pant pockets, or a lost penny on the road;

  • Someone pays it forward and buys you a beverage;

  • Unexpected cash savings on a purchase;

  • Refund, rebate, or unexpected money that just shows up in the mail one day;

  • Selling items that you no longer need;

  • Increases in investments and savings.

Basically, be grateful for all of it regardless of how it shows up.

I have even created a money celebration list - go ahead and borrow it anytime!

Money Loves to Have Purpose

Just like all amazing team members, Money needs to know its purpose. What will its duties include? How will it contribute to the overall vision and mission of the business? Will it have a fancy job title? How will you measure its success?

When you create an intentional financial plan, you are writing a job description for Money and how it supports you and your business. By outlining and knowing the following, Money understands what you require of it, and you are giving the Universe a very clear picture of what is needed.

  • How much does your lifestyle needs? Stop using your business as an ATM.

  • Your business requirements to operate and be sustainable now, and for your future growth plans.

  • Your savings goals for profit, tax, debt repayment, and even future growth.

  • Community and social justice giving. If you don’t plan to give a little back, then you and Money aren’t able to partner together to create the change you want to see in the world.

This cash handling system then creates specific buckets to hold Money while it is waiting to do its thing. When you give those buckets a name like Profit Account, Tax Savings, Growth Savings, Owner’s Wealth, and Operating, Money officially has a job title.

Implementing both the use of a financial plan and cash handling system in your business will make it easy to measure the success of how Money is showing up and supporting your vision. Remember, both of these tools are fluid. You don’t just set them and forget them. As business shifts, the plan and cash handling system may need to shift as well. Make regular Money dates monthly to review your plan and quarterly review your goals and cash handling process.

Money Loves to Be Appreciated

How are you currently showing appreciation for Money in your world? 

When money feels unloved and under-appreciated, it doesn’t stick around very long. So if you are spending it faster than you receive it, chances are you are not showing it any love.

Show Money some LOVE and appreciation, it energetically starts asking its friends to come to the party. It’s okay, most people don’t believe me, and I know it sounds a little weird. It’s an energy thing. With a little faith (especially if what you are doing now is not working), give it a try.

Here are a couple of ways to start showing some love and appreciation for how Money supports you and your business:

  • Include Money in your gratitude practice. Every day I include it in my top 5 gratitudes. Even when my faith is a little shaky, I write it down.

  • Write thank-you on all your vendor/team payments AND say it out loud to the Universe.

  • Hold onto it longer. Change how you pay vendors and pay them twice a month. Create that cash cushion and let it hang out with you for a while.

  • If words are your thing, write a love letter, poem, or song telling the world (or in the privacy of your journal) all the things you truly appreciate about Money.

  • Clean out your purse and wallet and make sure Money is neat and tidy in its container. Better yet, if that wallet has seen better days, how about buying Money a new home? I bought my Money a sparkly rose gold wallet.

  • Carry around (in cash) what you think a rich person would carry. (Trust me, this is Magic!)

Thank you to Access Consciousness for that last little gem of a tool. First, I started collecting spare dollars. Then I traded them up for twenties. Eventually, I traded those in for hundreds. Money is there to support me. My attitude around appreciating money changed with this one little act. 

Now that we’ve had a little fun with Money, please remember I am not a relationship coach. All the tips above are part of the third pillar I teach, which is about nurturing your relationship with Money. They are also part of the Going Beyond Revenue Cash Flow system.

Want to change your relationship with how Money is supporting you and your business? Not showing it the love and attention it deserves? You have already taken the first step by acknowledging that you are in need of a relationship upgrade. I can help with the next steps. First, let’s schedule a conversation to talk about what’s currently missing. 

Book a free call


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