It’s Still Okay to Dream, Even During a Pandemic

Full disclosure: I wrote the original version of this blog almost 6 weeks ago, before we were all plunged into the economic and social uncertainties created by the COVID-19 pandemic. I waffled on whether to even publish it, but ultimately I believe the topic I’m about to cover could be of help to many of us as we try to make sense of what’s going on not just in the world around us, but with our livelihoods as well, so I’ve re-written it with that in mind. As always, wishing you love, joy, success, and profits -- Connie.

An essential part of what I collaborate with clients around is often something most have rarely considered. Especially when it comes to money. It’s what I like to call their Big Kahuna dream.

Yes, they may have used what the end result would look like on their dream boards. Used it to journal about in their “perfect day” scenario. Perhaps even crafted some visualizations. The end result - what it will look like, taste like, feel like, and smell like - might be easy.

So today, I want to know...

What's Your Big Kahuna Dream? 

Mentor Moment: I want to point out that it’s still okay to dream a bit right now, even when it feels like the world is crashing down around you. You may feel a sense of shame or guilt at first, but you might find that journaling and daydreaming about what you want to achieve helps to bring you some joy or peace in a time when fear and anxiety often want to take over. Give it a try -- you could find it therapeutic!

What do I mean by that?

In the work I do, the Big Kahuna dream is that secret overall goal for our life or business. It’s that grand idea and desire that was downloaded from Spirit and it is your purpose in this lifetime to start creating.

For example, many clients I work with have a goal of reaching or impacting a certain amount of people. Others dream of creating a non-profit that will change the world. Or there are those that want their work to live on by teaching others and creating a business model that can be passed down to their children.

Mentor Moment: If you are thinking - WOW, my dream is not anywhere near that size. You are not alone. This is not about whose Dream is bigger. When I ask, “what is your Big Kahuna dream?”, I want to know what your unique personal dream is for your business and life. It can be BIG and flashy or intimate and on a smaller scale. All that matters is that you plan on taking action on that purpose. That you find the harmony and joy of what your soul is calling for you to create.

While there is plenty of emotional charge in these dreams, there isn’t a concrete HOW to get there. Now I’m not talking about micromanaging every little detail around it. I’m talking about expansive playing with the resource of money and how it will support that BIG dream. (I say this with the understanding that, right now, we are all closely monitoring our money resources to get through this isolation period. I’m not talking about figuring out how to “afford” your dream right this very moment. I’m asking you to get creative and imagine ways that you might manifest and use this money in the future.)

One tool that we can use to change our subconscious beliefs is visualization. The better the visualization is - where it touches ALL of the senses -- the more real it feels, the clearer the message is to the Universe, making it easier to recognize opportunities and make choices to create the end result.

AND this is big scary, in your face, ask for what you desire, work. It’s not for the faint of heart.

This work is also co-creation at its finest. In the work I do, the entrepreneurs hold their Big Kahuna dream and as I hold space, we play with the energy that Money will bring to that dream. Of course, we won’t have all the answers during this work. A perfect plan is not the end result. The object is to start creating an idea of how Money will support the vision, as in:

  • How many team members will be required to support that vision?

  • Will you need a building?

  • What ways will you impact the lives of others with your work?

  • Will there be a charitable component?

  • What would be required for you to live your best life so you can be empowered, resourced, and creatively ready to hold that vision?

It is why for several years I kept this part of the process a secret. In fact, I didn’t even dare mention it to anyone. Mostly because of the fear that would cross a potential client’s face when I asked about it, especially when it came to putting a number on it.

Where does the Big Kahuna dream start?

With you.

The Entrepreneur. The Magical Manifestor. The Visionary.

It may live as a spark in your heart. The vision that gets you up and moving. In other words your Big Why.

It may be a feeling or a desire to do something big but lacking specifics. Good chance you have yet to tie it to a money target, and I’m not just talking top line here, I’m talking about how the resource of Money will support that Big dream.

If you still are a little lost in the conversation, let’s take a moment for a visualization process.

No tools or special training required. Something to journal with or capture your thoughts would be helpful and yes, pen to paper is the best option. 

You are going to use what is referred to as a “Mental Rehearsal” process. Instead of me telling you about it, here is a post from Jack Canfield that I feel best describes it. Of course, I love movies so I like the visual cue of being in a movie theatre, watching a movie of what my Big Kahuna Dream would be. 

Take a moment to meditate or use your breath to move from being all caught up in your mind and move into a more grounded space solidly in your body.

Now pause.

In this very grounded space and using the “Mental Rehearsal” process above, you are going to have a conversation with your business. If you’ve never considered your business as a separate entity, just go with it - it may actually be one of the most empowering conversations you have. 

Do your best to tap into your intuition, listen to that inner voice for the answer and ask the lounder annoying Ego voice to take a back seat. When negativity starts filtering in, breathe and ground back in.

Create the most vivid details possible. Pay attention to what you are wearing, the environment, who is with you, what do you smell, taste, or hear. Then take time to feel into the feelings for this moment.

Here are some questions to ask your business:

  • What is its big vision? 

  • What does your business want to ultimately create as its legacy? 

  • What impact does it want to make?

  • Do you want to impact one person, one hundred, one thousand, more?

  • Do you want to create a legacy where your 

  • Do you financially want to support entrepreneurs, young girls, your community?

  • Can you imagine what your team would look like?

  • Where might your “office” be?

  • Ask your business and spirit team if there is anything else about this vision you need to know.

Now that there are some solid foundations for this Big Kahuna dream, this is where the energy of Money comes in. Remember, it’s not about being perfect and you don’t have to know all the answers. Certainly, it’s impossible to know the answers or even the timeline right now.

In a future blog, I’ll explore more about how to tie a financial plan to your Big Kahuna dream, but that doesn’t seem appropriate or important to write about right now. What is important is that you keep providing yourself the space to dream, if only to keep reminding yourself of why you started this wonderful business in the first place.

If having a conversation with me about how to manage your cash, so that you still have a business a few weeks from now, would be helpful in providing you some clarity and groundedness during these uncertain times, please schedule a free call. I’m here for you.

Book a free call


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